Procomcure Biotech GmbH - Consent for microbiome and PCR tests

Procomcure Biotech GmbH offers neither medical treatment nor professional nutritional or health advice. The microbiome and PCR tests are not suitable for medical examination purposes. The information and recommendations provided on the personal report are not intended to replace a visit to a doctor or the advice or services of a doctor. The findings are intended only as a general guide to help you improve your health, fitness and well-being based on your own sampling. Inaccurate or missing information may lead to misleading interpretation. Furthermore, this information is not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.

By entering your e-mail address and sending the sample material, you confirm the following:

The information I provide and all test results will only be passed on to third parties with my express written consent.

I agree to the storage of surplus sample material for research purposes. Microbiome tests only involve the use of bacterial DNA from the microbiome for research purposes and not the sequencing of my personal genome. PCR tests, on the other hand, require the isolation of human DNA. However, the DNA is not sequenced in PCR tests, but individual sections of the genome are specifically analyzed using the PCR method.

I am aware that my participation in this test is voluntary and that I can revoke my consent, the communication of the test results and the storage of the samples at any time without giving reasons and without adverse consequences for me.

I confirm that I am sufficiently informed about the possibilities and limitations of molecular biological analysis, i.e. the purpose, type, scope, significance and consequences of the microbiome and PCR tests as well as the results that can be obtained, the health risks, the intended use and my right not to take note of the results.